Ad Not Working Properly

Started by Successline 2023-04-17 at 16:46
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 4
There are 2 ads for Bruto Force. The first ad never finishes nomatter how long you leave it open. The ad comes up and everythinglooks normal but the ad never completes and when you click on what should be the next ad it is the Bruto Force ad running over again. The 2nd Bruto Force ad seems to work normally.Somewhat frustrating and annoying BUT if one was not really watching the ads they could reclick that one a hundred times and would deserve what they get. Just to check it I let it rerun 6 times in a row so I could determine if it was a real glitch or just an isolated event andit kept coming up over and over. Your site is a very professional site so thpught you would want to know this was happening
Posts: 1384
Thanks for letting us know,
Its should be fixed now.
OffersBux Admin - Ufuko